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Cradle-2-Cradle certified fire-resistant glass façades

The first Cradle-2-Cradle certified QbiQ fire-resistant wall system is now a reality.

QbiQ wall systems has been working on being a leader in sustainability for years. Its production processes achieve the best possible results within the 5 targets of the valued C2C certificate. Partner AGC Glass Europe has even awarded the Pyrobel range a C2C silver certification.

An important step forward in its sustainability ambition.
Of course, we would be more than happy to use these beautiful products that are combined in the QbiQ IQ PROTECT range in your project.

Unilever construction team visits QbiQ

At the end of last week, almost the entire construction team of the Global Foods Innovation Centre project for Unilever in Wageningen gathered at QbiQ in Alphen aan de Rhijn.

After Casper Landewers explained the various QbiQ wall systems, the group witnessed our production process at the factory with great interest. Kim Zandbergen was able to give a detailed explanation of the exact precision with which the glass is cut and how the CNC machine can still take another “bite” out of it.

Patrick Levie was glad to see that the first framed doors and glass walls had already arrived and were ready to be transported to Wageningen. There, they will be assembled in phase 1 according to the mock-up.  Naturally, this will be carried out in close consultation and according to the planning of Dura Vermeer. We said our farewells after lunch and left in high spirits.

QbiQ is looking forward to a pleasant collaboration with all parties. We will be sure to keep you informed on the progress of this sustainable and special project that has already been presented with BREAAM awards on two occasions. From four different locations, Unilever will move into their new, centralised accommodation in multiple phases and in the fall of 2019, approximately 550 employees will be working at the Global Food Innovation Centre.


bezoek QbiQ



QbiQ introduces the IQ-PROTECT Hightech. A new EI60 fire-resistant facade with a profile height of just 33mm and a fully 0-joint. This EI60 facade is a breakthrough in the design of fire-resistant facades that up until now were also made with much higher profiles.

This new fire facade is a welcome extension of the IQ Protect assortment that consists of multiple fire and impact-resistant wall systems and glass facades with EI30, EI60,EW30 and EW60 classification.

33 mm profile height

QbiQ modular walls are widely known for their integral profile height of just 33 mm. All QbiQ wall systems can therefore be seamlessly combined and linked. From now on it is therefore also possible to seamlessly combine the fire-resistant and/or compartment separating walls. With a wall like this one, architects get the opportunity to design an even sleeker, highly aesthetic interior.

Transparent 0-joint

In this fire-resistant wall system QbiQ also chose a 0-joint. No vertical supports are therefore needed in this EI60 wall. This enables creating a full glass wall where a EI60 classification is required.

More information?

Would you like more information about this IQ-PROTECT Hightech facade? Then call +31 88 50 10 500 or send an e-mail to info@qbiq.nl


Mock-up for Global Foods Innovation Centre delivered

In Wageningen the QbiQ mock-up for Unilever’s Global Foods Innovation Centre has been delivered. QbiQ has supplied all the prefab walls for this unique project.

Earlier this week the project was awarded no less than 2 BREEAM Awards: the Global Design Award in the category Commercial Projects and the Your BREAAM Award, the audience award. The project was selected for among others its inspiring work stations and its welcoming look and feel. We would like to congratulate the Unilever Foods Innovation Centre partners: DuraVermeer, Paul de Ruiter Architects, Fokkema+Partners, DGMR and all the others.

In the coming months we will work on the realisation of this unique project in close cooperation with the construction team. Follow us to witness how this project is being turned into a beautiful business premises! Did we arouse your curiosity? View the video and pictures of Unilever’s Global Foods Innovation Centre project below:



Global Foods Innovation Centre


Global Foods Innovation Centre


Global Foods Innovation Centre


Global Foods Innovation Centre


QbiQ congratulates winners of the 2018 ARC Awards

The seventh edition of the ARC Awards was presented in the Van Nelle Factory on Thursday 22 November. A company of 450 architects and their clients met up and enjoyed a wonderful dinner. QbiQ is happy to support this initiative! We congratulate the proud winners of the ARC18 Awards.

The prizes award the very best work of the past year in the categories architecture, interior, furniture, detail, innovation and development.

Winnaars van ARC18

 ARC18 Architectuur Award: Noord/Zuidlijn Amsterdam by Benthem Crouwel Architects

ARC18 Interieur Award:  MFC Doelum in Renkum by NOAHH + Studio Nuy from Noort in collaboration with Abbie Steinhauser

ARC18 Meubel Award: Pauzelandschap by man&paard

ARC18 Detail Award: Cadix Antwerpen by Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven

ARC18 Innovatie Award: People’s Pavilion – 100% borrowed by bureau SLA in collaboration with Overtreders W

ARC18 Development Award: Kaaspakhuis Gouda by White House Development and Mei architects

ARC18 Jong Talent Award: Tomas Dirrix

ARC18 Oeuvre Award: Adriaan Geuze




Circular interior is the new Standard

A style room which makes you forget that every square centimeter is produced sustainably. The style room is decorated with products from the Dutch Design label Cartoni Design in collaboration with partners who believe that a circular economy is of the utmost importance. The style room has been supplemented with a presentation of residual flows to interior products. You can also see how our suppliers transform residual material into high-quality semi-finished products with which Cartoni Design makes its furniture.


Product Design by:
Ernst Ilias, Wisse Trooster, Sabine van der Ham, Joost Linder & Jeroen Bomers, Plankstaal & Laura van de Wijdeven
Concept & Exhibition Design
Cartoni Design & Wisse Trooster




QbiQ introduces the Route 66

The Route 66 is a wall system that is characterised by the classic industrial look and feel of the 1930s and 1940s. Inspired by the so-called “Van Nelle facade” as can be found in the former Van Nelle factory in Rotterdam. This grand building is filled with charming walls made of steel and glass. For the first time, whole walls were largely made of glass, creating pleasant workplaces with lots of light and transparency. The Van Nelle factory has been included on the UNESCO world heritage list for good reason.

Robust modular wall

For Route 66 the starting point was to approach the robust cast-iron structure of the Van Nelle facade as much as possible. We always had this idea in mind and the result is pretty good. A modern aluminium modular wall with rough robust profiles for both horizontal and vertical sectioning.

Structure coating

As a designer or architect you are free to choose the colour and coating of the Route 66.  The profiles of the Route 66 can be supplied in any RAL colour and, if so desired, provided with a structure that approaches the coarse cast iron even better.


High acoutic values

The Route 66 is available in single or double glazing. For the glazing one can opt for standard glass or for acoustic layered glass for even higher noise damping.

Doors and frames

As is customary at QbiQ, several door frames and doors can be used for this wall system. For instance, shatter-proof glass doors, aluminium door frames or wooden HPL doors can also be provided as sliding doors and double doors.



The favourites of the Herengracht Industry Prize 2018 are known

The nominations of the biannual Herengracht Industry Prize 2018 have been announced. The high quality and diversity, the clear, exciting and somewhat radical concepts, the attractive field of tension between interior and architecture and the merging of various disciplines to fascinating Gesamtkunstwerken, typify the submissions according to the jury.

The submitted projects of this third edition of the Herengracht Industry Prize 2018 also indicate that the crisis is over. According to the jury ‘the so-called ‘crisis aesthetics’ with low-budget materials, exposed concrete and low-tech constructions are paving the way for smart interventions, new lighting systems, more high quality construction material, increased sustainability and circularity and tailored design.’

The nominees are

Museum Voorlinden by Kraaijvanger Architects

Reception pavilion Brick Factory Vogelensangh by Bedaux de Brouwer Architects.

Auditorium cemetery Zoom- en Zegestede by pole productions. View the project on the website of the H.I.P. 2018

Matryoshka House by Shift architecture urbanism & Makina

Blaak House by V8 Architects. View the project on the website of the H.I.P. 2018


The jury of the Herengracht Industry Prize 2018 consists of Patrick Koschuch (Van Dongen-Koschuch), Saskia Simon (OMA), Erik Kessels (KesselsKramer), Tanja Soeter (Hema) and Indira van ’t Klooster (architecture journalist).

The winner will be announced on 14 June. In 2016 Maurice Mentjens won the prize for the House of Smart.

Source: http://www.dearchitect.nl/architectuur/nieuws/2018/05/kanshebbers-herengracht-industrie-prijs-2018-bekend-101190559

HIP Herengracht industry prize

The HIP (Herengracht industry prize), of which QbiQ is a partner, takes place every other year.

This biannual award is presented to an architect or interior architect for an interior project realised in the Netherlands. We are currently working hard to make this year another success. The HIP is an event where interior architects can send in projects. The winner receives the HIP Trophy and €2,500 in cash.

The idea for this prize originated in the Lensvelt HUB at Herengracht in Amsterdam. HIP wants to give architects and/or interior architects who realise high-grade projects and are loyal to the industry a pat on the back. To put it differently: an architect who goes for quality, sustainability, originality and authenticity.

The third edition of this wonderful award will take place in 2018. Once again, attention will be paid to high-grade interior projects realised in the Netherlands.

To take part, make sure the project is realised between 14 April 2016 and 14 April 2018. Submitting is possible up to 14 April 2018 on www.herengrachtindustrieprijs.nl (you can send in several projects). The winner will be announced in Amsterdam on 14 June 2018. You can expect a possible personal invitation to this festive award ceremony at the end of April.

Completed: Housing corporation Viveste in Bunnik

We recently supplied two fire resistant facades at housing corporation Viveste in Bunnik. What makes these IQ-Protect wall so unique is that the glass panels are connected to each other with an 0-joint (sealant joint) instead of always having to place a vertical stand. This creates one big glass wall. The walls at Viveste are EW30 certified.

For pictures, visit: QbiQ Gallery

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